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Star Wars - Force Attax Trading Card Game
The Saga: Movie Edition
   Topps - 2012

Notes: Additional information and scans are posted at the Topps website.

Go To Top of Cards Sorted by Title
Go To Top of Cards Sorted by Affiliation and Title

No.   Title (English)                              Affiliation              Type              Stars  Defence  Attack

  1   Luke Skywalker                               Farmboy                                      4       77      75
  2   Princess Leia                                Rebel Leader                                 4       76      73
  3   Han Solo                                     Smuggler                                     4       74      75
  4   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                                      4       71      68
  5   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                                         5       85      83
  6   C-3PO                                        Droid                                        2       54      19
  7   R2-D2                                        Droid                                        3       60      51
  8   Lando Calrissian                             Baron Administrator                          4       72      65
  9   General Rieekan                              General                                      3       63      45
 10   Crix Madine                                  General                                      3       49      61
 11   Admiral Ackbar                               Admiral                                      3       60      37
 12   Nien Nunb                                    Pilot                                        2       55      45
 13   Ten Numb                                     Pilot                                        2       52      33
 14   A-Wing Pilot                                 Pilot                                        2       50      30
 15   Wicket                                       Ewok                                         2       52      25
 16   Paploo                                       Ewok                                         2       50      26
 17   Millennium Falcon                            Vehicle                                      4       78      70
 18   X-Wing Fighter                               Vehicle                                      3       37      65
 19   Y-Wing Fighter                               Vehicle                                      3       41      62
 20   A-Wing Fighter                               Vehicle                                      3       40      61
 21   B-Wing FIghter                               Vehicle                                      2       60      29
 22   Mon Calamari Star Cruiser                    Vehicle                                      3       63      42
 23   Rebel Transport                              Vehicle                                      2       55      30
 24   Medical Frigate                              Vehicle                                      3       60      31
 25   FX-7 Medical Droid                           Droid                                        1       47      18
 26   Darth Vader                                  Sith                                         5       88      88
 27   Emperor Palpatine                            Sith                                         5       86      89
 28   Grand Moff Tarkin                            Grand Moff                                   4       54      71
 29   Admiral Piett                                Imperial Officer                             3       55      65
 30   General Veers                                Imperial Officer                             3       48      62
 31   Admiral Ozzel                                Imperial Officer                             2       53      44
 32   Captain Needa                                Imperial Officer                             2       46      55
 33   Moff Jerjerrod                               Imperial Officer                             3       60      43
 34   Imperial Dignitary                           Dignitary                                    2       49      52
 35   Imperial Royal Guard                         Royal Guard                                  3       60      45
 36   Stormtrooper                                 Stormtrooper                                 3       58      67
 37   Snowtrooper                                  Stormtrooper                                 3       59      64
 38   AT-ST Pilot                                  Pilot                                        3       61      56
 39   TIE Pilot                                    Pilot                                        3       53      62
 40   AT-AT Pilot                                  Stormtrooper                                 3       33      63
 41   Probe Droid                                  Droid                                        1       39      33
 42   AT-AT Walker                                 Vehicle                                      3       32      64
 43   AT-ST                                        Vehicle                                      3       31      60
 44   TIE Fighter                                  Vehicle                                      3       34      63
 45   TIE Interceptor                              Vehicle                                      3       35      66
 46   Darth Vader's TIE Fighter                    Vehicle                                      4       39      70
 47   TIE Bomber                                   Vehicle                                      3       40      61
 48   Imperial Shuttle                             Vehicle                                      2       55      38
 49   Speeder Bike                                 Vehicle                                      2       28      57
 50   Star Destroyer                               Vehicle                                      4       70      75
 51   Super Star Destroyer                         Vehicle                                      4       74      79
 52   Death Star                                   Space Station                                5       84      85
 53   Death Star II                                Space Station                                5       85      90
 54   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter                                4       72      77
 55   Bossk                                        Bounty Hunter                                4       66      70
 56   Boushh                                       Bounty Hunter                                3       47      61
 57   IG-88                                        Bounty Hunter                                3       43      66
 58   Jabba The Hutt                               Crime Lord                                   4       69      74
 59   Bib Fortuna                                  Twi'lek                                      2       56      36
 60   Oola                                         Twi'lek                                      1       49      32
 61   Max Rebo                                     Ortolan                                      2       25      53
 62   Gamorrean Guard                              Gamorrean                                    2       59      46
 63   Jawa                                         Scavenger                                    1       49      24
 64   Tusken Raider                                Savage                                       3       35      60
 65   Jabba's Sail Barge                           Vehicle                                      2       48      54
 66   Desert Skiff                                 Vehicle                                      1       42      23
 67   Sandcrawler                                  Vehicle                                      1       47      26
 68   Slave I                                      Vehicle                                      4       66      71
 69   Anakin Skywalker                             Jedi                                         5       84      87
 70   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                                         5       85      83
 71   Yoda                                         Jedi                                         5       88      88
 72   Mace Windu                                   Jedi                                         5       84      84
 73   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Jedi                                         5       80      77
 74   Kit Fisto                                    Jedi                                         4       67      74
 75   Ki-Adi-Mundi                                 Jedi                                         4       73      65
 76   Eeth Koth                                    Jedi                                         3       62      61
 77   Adi Gallia                                   Jedi                                         3       65      55
 78   Saesee Tiin                                  Jedi                                         4       70      64
 79   Agen Kolar                                   Jedi                                         3       52      60
 80   Plo Koon                                     Jedi                                         4       72      67
 81   Aayla Secura                                 Jedi                                         4       71      63
 82   Shaak Ti                                     Jedi                                         4       70      69
 83   Barriss Offee                                Jedi                                         3       68      60
 84   Luminara Unduli                              Jedi                                         4       70      61
 85   Stass Allie                                  Jedi                                         3       69      59
 86   Coleman Trebor                               Jedi                                         3       50      64
 87   Commander Cody                               Clone Trooper                                3       64      58
 88   Clone Trooper                                Clone Trooper                                3       55      60
 89   Commander Bacara                             Clone Trooper                                2       55      57
 90   Shock Trooper                                Clone Trooper                                2       58      54
 91   Airborne Trooper                             Clone Trooper                                2       52      58
 92   Queen Amidala                                Queen                                        4       73      66
 93   Bail Organa                                  Senator                                      3       63      57
 94   Supreme Chancellor Palpatine                 Chancellor                                   3       67      62
 95   Chancellor Valorum                           Chancellor                                   2       59      33
 96   Mas Amedsa                                   Speaker                                      2       56      27
 97   Sio Bibble                                   Governor                                     2       57      29
 98   Captain Typho                                Captain                                      3       65      57
 99   Captain Panaka                               Captain                                      3       55      62
100   Jar Jar Binks                                Gungan                                       3       61      34
101   Captain Tarpals                              Gungan                                       2       55      45
102   Boss Nass                                    Gungan                                       3       60      32
103   Lama Su                                      Kaminoan                                     1       44      19
104   Naboo Palace Guard                           Guard                                        2       53      47
105   Captain Antilles                             Captain                                      2       56      39
106   Naboo Pilot                                  Pilot                                        2       52      46
107   Tion Medon                                   Pau'an                                       2       54      38
108   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                                      3       55      50
109   Tarfful                                      Wookiee                                      3       62      64
110   Shmi Skywalker                               Human                                        2       52      38
111   AT-TE                                        Vehicle                                      3       33      61
112   Republic Gunboat                             Vehicle                                      3       60      35
113   Jedi Starfighter                             Vehicle                                      3       64      59
114   Jedi Fighter                                 Vehicle                                      3       62      57
115   N-1 Starfighter                              Vehicle                                      2       58      41
116   Republic Attack Cruiser                      Vehicle                                      3       62      52
117   Royal Naboo Fighter                          Vehicle                                      2       54      32
118   Republic Cruiser                             Vehicle                                      2       52      30
119   Anakin's Airspeeder                          Vehicle                                      2       53      49
120   Anakin's Podracer                            Vehicle                                      3       61      48
121   Sebulba's Podracer                           Vehicle                                      3       44      60
122   V-Wing Starfighter                           Vehicle                                      3       39      60
123   Darth Sidious                                Sith                                         5       84      86
124   Count Dooku                                  Sith                                         5       82      84
125   General Grievous                             Sith                                         4       78      79
126   Darth Maul                                   Sith                                         5       79      85
127   Nute Gunray                                  Neimoidian                                   1       42      23
128   Rune Haako                                   Neimoidian                                   1       40      22
129   Daultay Dofine                               Neimoidian                                   1       39      24
130   Poggle the Lesser                            Genosian                                     1       35      38
131   Wat Tambor                                   Skakoan                                      1       33      31
132   Battle Droid                                 Droid                                        1       34      39
133   Super Battle Droid                           Droid                                        3       44      60
134   Buzz Droid                                   Droid                                        2       26      50
135   Magnaguard                                   Droid                                        3       59      67
136   Droideka                                     Droid                                        3       57      60
137   AAT                                          Vehicle                                      2       52      56
138   MTT                                          Vehicle                                      1       46      40
139   Droid Starfighter                            Vehicle                                      3       53      61
140   Wheel Bike                                   Vehicle                                      2       53      56
141   Solar Sailer                                 Vehicle                                      2       52      48
142   The Invisible Hand                           Vehicle                                      3       51      63
143   Droid Control Ship                           Vehicle                                      2       57      42
144   STAP                                         Vehicle                                      2       32      59
145   Jango Fett                                   Bounty Hunter                                4       67      74
146   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter                                3       56      63
147   Zam Wesell                                   Bounty Hunter                                3       42      61
148   Aurra Sing                                   Bounty Hunter                                3       50      68
149   Dexter Jettster                              Besalisk                                     3       58      56
150   Pit Droid                                    Droid                                        1       45      15
151   Watto                                        Toydorian                                    2       53      29
152   Sebulba                                      Dug                                          2       38      54
153   Wampa                                        Beast                                        4       52      73
154   Tauntaun                                     Beast                                        1       49      17
155   Rancor                                       Beast                                        3       57      62
156   Bantha                                       Beast                                        1       36      28
157   Opee Sea Killer                              Beast                                        3       45      62
158   Colo Claw Fish                               Beast                                        3       47      63
159   Eopie                                        Beast                                        1       34      29
160   Boga                                         Beast                                        2       56      42
161   Reek                                         Beast                                        3       51      60
162   Acklay                                       Beast                                        3       37      61
163   Nexu                                         Beast                                        3       43      60
164   Sando Aqua Monster                           Beast                                        4       54      70
165   Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul  Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          3       +3      +3
166   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul                 Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          3       +3      +3
167   Yoda vs Count Dooku                          Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          3       +3      +3
168   Mace Windu vs Darth Sidious                  Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          4       +4      +4
169   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Count Dooku                Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          4       +4      +4
170   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs General Grievous           Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          4       +4      +4
171   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin Skywalker           Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +5      +5
172   Yoda vs Darth Sidious                        Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +5      +5
173   Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan Kenobi                Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +5      +5
174   Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader                Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +6      +6
175   Rebel Alliance #1                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
176   Rebel Alliance #2                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
177   Rebel Alliance #3                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
178   Rebel Alliance #4                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
179   Galactic Empire #1                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
180   Galactic Empire #2                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
181   Galactic Empire #3                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
182   Galactic Empire #4                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
183   Jedi Knights #1                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
184   Jedi Knights #2                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
185   Jedi Knights #3                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
186   Jedi Knights #4                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
187   Jedi Knights #5                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
188   Sith #1                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
189   Sith #2                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
190   Sith #3                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
191   Sith #4                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
192   Sith #5                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
193   Luke Skywalker                               Commander                Star Card           5       92      90
194   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                     Star Card           5       90      88
195   Anakin Skywalker                             Jedi                     Star Card           5       89      92
196   Yoda                                         Jedi                     Star Card           5       93      93
197   Mace Windu                                   Jedi                     Star Card           5       89      89
198   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Jedi                     Star Card           5       85      82
199   Princess Leia                                Rebel Leader             Star Card           5       81      78
200   Han Solo                                     Captain                  Star Card           5       79      80
201   Lando Calrissian                             General                  Star Card           4       77      70
202   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                  Star Card           4       76      73
203   Padmé Amidala                                Senator                  Star Card           4       78      71
204   Darth Vader                                  Sith                     Star Card           5       93      93
205   Darth Sidious                                Sith                     Star Card           5       89      91
206   Darth Maul                                   Sith                     Star Card           5       84      90
207   Count Dooku                                  Sith                     Star Card           5       87      89
208   General Grievous                             Sith                     Star Card           5       83      84
209   Stormtrooper                                 Stormtrooper             Star Card           4       59      76
210   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter            Star Card           5       77      82
211   Jango Fett                                   Bounty Hunter            Star Card           4       72      79
212   Jabba the Hutt                               Crime Lord               Star Card           4       74      79
213   Luke & Leia                                  Rebels                   Power Up            5       89      87
214   Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi                        Jedi                     Power Up            5       90      90
215   Mace Windu & Obi-Wan Kenobi                  Jedi                     Power Up            5       86      86
216   Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn                Jedi                     Power Up            5       87      85
217   Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi            Jedi                     Power Up            5       87      89
218   Han Solo & Chewbacca                         Rebels                   Power Up            4       76      77
219   C-3PO & R2-D2                                Droid                    Power Up            3       62      53
220   Boba Fett & Jango Fett                       Bounty Hunter            Power Up            4       74      79
221   Darth Vader & Tarkin                         Sith/Imperial Officer    Power Up            5       90      90
222   The Emperor & Anakin Skywalker               Sith                     Power Up            5       88      91
223   Count Dooku & General Grievous               Sith                     Power Up            5       84      86
224   The Emperor & Darth Vader                    Sith                     Power Up            5       90      91
225   Luke Skywalker                               Jedi                     Force Master        5      100      95
226   Princess Leia                                Rebel Leader             Force Master        5       86      83
227   Han Solo                                     Smuggler                 Force Master        5       84      85
228   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                  Force Master        5       81      78
229   Anakin Skywalker                             Jedi                     Force Master        5       94      97
230   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                     Force Master        5       95      93
231   Yoda                                         Jedi                     Force Master        5       98      98
232   Mace Windu                                   Jedi                     Force Master        5       94      94
233   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Jedi                     Force Master        5       90      87
234   Padmé Amidala                                Senator                  Force Master        5       83      76
235   Darth Vader                                  Sith                     Force Master        5      101     101
236   Emperor Palpatine                            Sith                     Force Master        5       96     100
237   Darth Maul                                   Sith                     Force Master        5       89      95
238   Count Dooku                                  Sith                     Force Master        5       92      94
239   General Grievous                             Sith                     Force Master        5       88      89
240   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter            Force Master        5       82      87
LE1   Darth Vader                                  Sith                     Limited Edition     5      100     100
LE2   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi Knight              Limited Edition     5       90      88
LE3   Luke Skywalker                               Farmboy                  Limited Edition     5       82      80
LE4   Anakin vs Obi-Wan                            Jedi vs Sith             Limited Edition     5       98      98
LE5   Darth Maul                                   Sith                     Limited Edition     5      100     100
L5    Darth Maul [Lego]                            Sith                     Limited Edition     5       79      85

Go To Top of Cards Sorted by Card Number and Type
Go To Top of Cards Sorted by Affiliation and Title

No.   Title (English)                              Affiliation              Type              Stars  Defence  Attack

 20   A-Wing Fighter                               Vehicle                                      3       40      61
 14   A-Wing Pilot                                 Pilot                                        2       50      30
137   AAT                                          Vehicle                                      2       52      56
 81   Aayla Secura                                 Jedi                                         4       71      63
162   Acklay                                       Beast                                        3       37      61
 77   Adi Gallia                                   Jedi                                         3       65      55
 11   Admiral Ackbar                               Admiral                                      3       60      37
 31   Admiral Ozzel                                Imperial Officer                             2       53      44
 29   Admiral Piett                                Imperial Officer                             3       55      65
 79   Agen Kolar                                   Jedi                                         3       52      60
 91   Airborne Trooper                             Clone Trooper                                2       52      58
 69   Anakin Skywalker                             Jedi                                         5       84      87
195   Anakin Skywalker                             Jedi                     Star Card           5       89      92
229   Anakin Skywalker                             Jedi                     Force Master        5       94      97
217   Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi            Jedi                     Power Up            5       87      89
LE4   Anakin vs Obi-Wan                            Jedi vs Sith             Limited Edition     5       98      98
119   Anakin's Airspeeder                          Vehicle                                      2       53      49
120   Anakin's Podracer                            Vehicle                                      3       61      48
 40   AT-AT Pilot                                  Stormtrooper                                 3       33      63
 42   AT-AT Walker                                 Vehicle                                      3       32      64
 43   AT-ST                                        Vehicle                                      3       31      60
 38   AT-ST Pilot                                  Pilot                                        3       61      56
111   AT-TE                                        Vehicle                                      3       33      61
148   Aurra Sing                                   Bounty Hunter                                3       50      68
 21   B-Wing FIghter                               Vehicle                                      2       60      29
 93   Bail Organa                                  Senator                                      3       63      57
156   Bantha                                       Beast                                        1       36      28
 83   Barriss Offee                                Jedi                                         3       68      60
132   Battle Droid                                 Droid                                        1       34      39
 59   Bib Fortuna                                  Twi'lek                                      2       56      36
 54   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter                                4       72      77
146   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter                                3       56      63
210   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter            Star Card           5       77      82
240   Boba Fett                                    Bounty Hunter            Force Master        5       82      87
220   Boba Fett & Jango Fett                       Bounty Hunter            Power Up            4       74      79
160   Boga                                         Beast                                        2       56      42
102   Boss Nass                                    Gungan                                       3       60      32
 55   Bossk                                        Bounty Hunter                                4       66      70
 56   Boushh                                       Bounty Hunter                                3       47      61
134   Buzz Droid                                   Droid                                        2       26      50
  6   C-3PO                                        Droid                                        2       54      19
219   C-3PO & R2-D2                                Droid                    Power Up            3       62      53
105   Captain Antilles                             Captain                                      2       56      39
 32   Captain Needa                                Imperial Officer                             2       46      55
 99   Captain Panaka                               Captain                                      3       55      62
101   Captain Tarpals                              Gungan                                       2       55      45
 98   Captain Typho                                Captain                                      3       65      57
 95   Chancellor Valorum                           Chancellor                                   2       59      33
  4   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                                      4       71      68
108   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                                      3       55      50
202   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                  Star Card           4       76      73
228   Chewbacca                                    Wookiee                  Force Master        5       81      78
 88   Clone Trooper                                Clone Trooper                                3       55      60
 86   Coleman Trebor                               Jedi                                         3       50      64
158   Colo Claw Fish                               Beast                                        3       47      63
 89   Commander Bacara                             Clone Trooper                                2       55      57
 87   Commander Cody                               Clone Trooper                                3       64      58
124   Count Dooku                                  Sith                                         5       82      84
207   Count Dooku                                  Sith                     Star Card           5       87      89
238   Count Dooku                                  Sith                     Force Master        5       92      94
223   Count Dooku & General Grievous               Sith                     Power Up            5       84      86
 10   Crix Madine                                  General                                      3       49      61
126   Darth Maul                                   Sith                                         5       79      85
206   Darth Maul                                   Sith                     Star Card           5       84      90
237   Darth Maul                                   Sith                     Force Master        5       89      95
LE5   Darth Maul                                   Sith                     Limited Edition     5      100     100
L5    Darth Maul [Lego]                            Sith                     Limited Edition     5       79      85
123   Darth Sidious                                Sith                                         5       84      86
205   Darth Sidious                                Sith                     Star Card           5       89      91
 26   Darth Vader                                  Sith                                         5       88      88
204   Darth Vader                                  Sith                     Star Card           5       93      93
235   Darth Vader                                  Sith                     Force Master        5      101     101
LE1   Darth Vader                                  Sith                     Limited Edition     5      100     100
221   Darth Vader & Tarkin                         Sith/Imperial Officer    Power Up            5       90      90
173   Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan Kenobi                Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +5      +5
 46   Darth Vader's TIE Fighter                    Vehicle                                      4       39      70
129   Daultay Dofine                               Neimoidian                                   1       39      24
 52   Death Star                                   Space Station                                5       84      85
 53   Death Star II                                Space Station                                5       85      90
 66   Desert Skiff                                 Vehicle                                      1       42      23
149   Dexter Jettster                              Besalisk                                     3       58      56
143   Droid Control Ship                           Vehicle                                      2       57      42
139   Droid Starfighter                            Vehicle                                      3       53      61
136   Droideka                                     Droid                                        3       57      60
 76   Eeth Koth                                    Jedi                                         3       62      61
 27   Emperor Palpatine                            Sith                                         5       86      89
236   Emperor Palpatine                            Sith                     Force Master        5       96     100
159   Eopie                                        Beast                                        1       34      29
 25   FX-7 Medical Droid                           Droid                                        1       47      18
179   Galactic Empire #1                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
180   Galactic Empire #2                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
181   Galactic Empire #3                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
182   Galactic Empire #4                           The Galactic Empire      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
 62   Gamorrean Guard                              Gamorrean                                    2       59      46
125   General Grievous                             Sith                                         4       78      79
208   General Grievous                             Sith                     Star Card           5       83      84
239   General Grievous                             Sith                     Force Master        5       88      89
  9   General Rieekan                              General                                      3       63      45
 30   General Veers                                Imperial Officer                             3       48      62
 28   Grand Moff Tarkin                            Grand Moff                                   4       54      71
  3   Han Solo                                     Smuggler                                     4       74      75
200   Han Solo                                     Captain                  Star Card           5       79      80
227   Han Solo                                     Smuggler                 Force Master        5       84      85
218   Han Solo & Chewbacca                         Rebels                   Power Up            4       76      77
 57   IG-88                                        Bounty Hunter                                3       43      66
 34   Imperial Dignitary                           Dignitary                                    2       49      52
 35   Imperial Royal Guard                         Royal Guard                                  3       60      45
 48   Imperial Shuttle                             Vehicle                                      2       55      38
 58   Jabba The Hutt                               Crime Lord                                   4       69      74
212   Jabba the Hutt                               Crime Lord               Star Card           4       74      79
 65   Jabba's Sail Barge                           Vehicle                                      2       48      54
145   Jango Fett                                   Bounty Hunter                                4       67      74
211   Jango Fett                                   Bounty Hunter            Star Card           4       72      79
100   Jar Jar Binks                                Gungan                                       3       61      34
 63   Jawa                                         Scavenger                                    1       49      24
114   Jedi Fighter                                 Vehicle                                      3       62      57
183   Jedi Knights #1                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
184   Jedi Knights #2                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
185   Jedi Knights #3                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
186   Jedi Knights #4                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
187   Jedi Knights #5                              The Jedi Knights         Strike Force        5       +5      +5
113   Jedi Starfighter                             Vehicle                                      3       64      59
 75   Ki-Adi-Mundi                                 Jedi                                         4       73      65
 74   Kit Fisto                                    Jedi                                         4       67      74
103   Lama Su                                      Kaminoan                                     1       44      19
  8   Lando Calrissian                             Baron Administrator                          4       72      65
201   Lando Calrissian                             General                  Star Card           4       77      70
213   Luke & Leia                                  Rebels                   Power Up            5       89      87
  1   Luke Skywalker                               Farmboy                                      4       77      75
193   Luke Skywalker                               Commander                Star Card           5       92      90
225   Luke Skywalker                               Jedi                     Force Master        5      100      95
LE3   Luke Skywalker                               Farmboy                  Limited Edition     5       82      80
174   Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader                Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +6      +6
 84   Luminara Unduli                              Jedi                                         4       70      61
 72   Mace Windu                                   Jedi                                         5       84      84
197   Mace Windu                                   Jedi                     Star Card           5       89      89
232   Mace Windu                                   Jedi                     Force Master        5       94      94
215   Mace Windu & Obi-Wan Kenobi                  Jedi                     Power Up            5       86      86
168   Mace Windu vs Darth Sidious                  Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          4       +4      +4
135   Magnaguard                                   Droid                                        3       59      67
 96   Mas Amedsa                                   Speaker                                      2       56      27
 61   Max Rebo                                     Ortolan                                      2       25      53
 24   Medical Frigate                              Vehicle                                      3       60      31
 17   Millennium Falcon                            Vehicle                                      4       78      70
 33   Moff Jerjerrod                               Imperial Officer                             3       60      43
 22   Mon Calamari Star Cruiser                    Vehicle                                      3       63      42
138   MTT                                          Vehicle                                      1       46      40
115   N-1 Starfighter                              Vehicle                                      2       58      41
104   Naboo Palace Guard                           Guard                                        2       53      47
106   Naboo Pilot                                  Pilot                                        2       52      46
163   Nexu                                         Beast                                        3       43      60
 12   Nien Nunb                                    Pilot                                        2       55      45
127   Nute Gunray                                  Neimoidian                                   1       42      23
  5   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                                         5       85      83
 70   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                                         5       85      83
194   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                     Star Card           5       90      88
230   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi                     Force Master        5       95      93
LE2   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Jedi Knight              Limited Edition     5       90      88
216   Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn                Jedi                     Power Up            5       87      85
165   Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul  Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          3       +3      +3
171   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin Skywalker           Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +5      +5
169   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Count Dooku                Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          4       +4      +4
166   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul                 Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          3       +3      +3
170   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs General Grievous           Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          4       +4      +4
 60   Oola                                         Twi'lek                                      1       49      32
157   Opee Sea Killer                              Beast                                        3       45      62
203   Padmé Amidala                                Senator                  Star Card           4       78      71
234   Padmé Amidala                                Senator                  Force Master        5       83      76
 16   Paploo                                       Ewok                                         2       50      26
150   Pit Droid                                    Droid                                        1       45      15
 80   Plo Koon                                     Jedi                                         4       72      67
130   Poggle the Lesser                            Genosian                                     1       35      38
  2   Princess Leia                                Rebel Leader                                 4       76      73
199   Princess Leia                                Rebel Leader             Star Card           5       81      78
226   Princess Leia                                Rebel Leader             Force Master        5       86      83
 41   Probe Droid                                  Droid                                        1       39      33
 92   Queen Amidala                                Queen                                        4       73      66
 73   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Jedi                                         5       80      77
198   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Jedi                     Star Card           5       85      82
233   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Jedi                     Force Master        5       90      87
  7   R2-D2                                        Droid                                        3       60      51
155   Rancor                                       Beast                                        3       57      62
175   Rebel Alliance #1                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
176   Rebel Alliance #2                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
177   Rebel Alliance #3                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
178   Rebel Alliance #4                            Rebel Alliance           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
 23   Rebel Transport                              Vehicle                                      2       55      30
161   Reek                                         Beast                                        3       51      60
116   Republic Attack Cruiser                      Vehicle                                      3       62      52
118   Republic Cruiser                             Vehicle                                      2       52      30
112   Republic Gunboat                             Vehicle                                      3       60      35
117   Royal Naboo Fighter                          Vehicle                                      2       54      32
128   Rune Haako                                   Neimoidian                                   1       40      22
 78   Saesee Tiin                                  Jedi                                         4       70      64
 67   Sandcrawler                                  Vehicle                                      1       47      26
164   Sando Aqua Monster                           Beast                                        4       54      70
152   Sebulba                                      Dug                                          2       38      54
121   Sebulba's Podracer                           Vehicle                                      3       44      60
 82   Shaak Ti                                     Jedi                                         4       70      69
110   Shmi Skywalker                               Human                                        2       52      38
 90   Shock Trooper                                Clone Trooper                                2       58      54
 97   Sio Bibble                                   Governor                                     2       57      29
188   Sith #1                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
189   Sith #2                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
190   Sith #3                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
191   Sith #4                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
192   Sith #5                                      The Sith                 Strike Force        5       +5      +5
 68   Slave I                                      Vehicle                                      4       66      71
 37   Snowtrooper                                  Stormtrooper                                 3       59      64
141   Solar Sailer                                 Vehicle                                      2       52      48
 49   Speeder Bike                                 Vehicle                                      2       28      57
144   STAP                                         Vehicle                                      2       32      59
 50   Star Destroyer                               Vehicle                                      4       70      75
 85   Stass Allie                                  Jedi                                         3       69      59
 36   Stormtrooper                                 Stormtrooper                                 3       58      67
209   Stormtrooper                                 Stormtrooper             Star Card           4       59      76
133   Super Battle Droid                           Droid                                        3       44      60
 51   Super Star Destroyer                         Vehicle                                      4       74      79
 94   Supreme Chancellor Palpatine                 Chancellor                                   3       67      62
109   Tarfful                                      Wookiee                                      3       62      64
154   Tauntaun                                     Beast                                        1       49      17
 13   Ten Numb                                     Pilot                                        2       52      33
222   The Emperor & Anakin Skywalker               Sith                     Power Up            5       88      91
224   The Emperor & Darth Vader                    Sith                     Power Up            5       90      91
142   The Invisible Hand                           Vehicle                                      3       51      63
 47   TIE Bomber                                   Vehicle                                      3       40      61
 44   TIE Fighter                                  Vehicle                                      3       34      63
 45   TIE Interceptor                              Vehicle                                      3       35      66
 39   TIE Pilot                                    Pilot                                        3       53      62
107   Tion Medon                                   Pau'an                                       2       54      38
 64   Tusken Raider                                Savage                                       3       35      60
122   V-Wing Starfighter                           Vehicle                                      3       39      60
153   Wampa                                        Beast                                        4       52      73
131   Wat Tambor                                   Skakoan                                      1       33      31
151   Watto                                        Toydorian                                    2       53      29
140   Wheel Bike                                   Vehicle                                      2       53      56
 15   Wicket                                       Ewok                                         2       52      25
 18   X-Wing Fighter                               Vehicle                                      3       37      65
 19   Y-Wing Fighter                               Vehicle                                      3       41      62
 71   Yoda                                         Jedi                                         5       88      88
196   Yoda                                         Jedi                     Star Card           5       93      93
231   Yoda                                         Jedi                     Force Master        5       98      98
214   Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi                        Jedi                     Power Up            5       90      90
167   Yoda vs Count Dooku                          Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          3       +3      +3
172   Yoda vs Darth Sidious                        Jedi vs Sith             Force Duel          5       +5      +5
147   Zam Wesell                                   Bounty Hunter                                3       42      61

Go To Top of Cards Sorted by Card Number and Type
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No.   Title (English)                              Type              Stars  Defence  Attack


 11   Admiral Ackbar                                                   3       60      37


  8   Lando Calrissian                                                 4       72      65


162   Acklay                                                           3       37      61
156   Bantha                                                           1       36      28
160   Boga                                                             2       56      42
158   Colo Claw Fish                                                   3       47      63
159   Eopie                                                            1       34      29
163   Nexu                                                             3       43      60
157   Opee Sea Killer                                                  3       45      62
155   Rancor                                                           3       57      62
161   Reek                                                             3       51      60
164   Sando Aqua Monster                                               4       54      70
154   Tauntaun                                                         1       49      17
153   Wampa                                                            4       52      73


149   Dexter Jettster                                                  3       58      56


148   Aurra Sing                                                       3       50      68
 54   Boba Fett                                                        4       72      77
146   Boba Fett                                                        3       56      63
210   Boba Fett                                    Star Card           5       77      82
240   Boba Fett                                    Force Master        5       82      87
220   Boba Fett & Jango Fett                       Power Up            4       74      79
 55   Bossk                                                            4       66      70
 56   Boushh                                                           3       47      61
 57   IG-88                                                            3       43      66
145   Jango Fett                                                       4       67      74
211   Jango Fett                                   Star Card           4       72      79
147   Zam Wesell                                                       3       42      61


105   Captain Antilles                                                 2       56      39
 99   Captain Panaka                                                   3       55      62
 98   Captain Typho                                                    3       65      57
200   Han Solo                                     Star Card           5       79      80


 95   Chancellor Valorum                                               2       59      33
 94   Supreme Chancellor Palpatine                                     3       67      62


 91   Airborne Trooper                                                 2       52      58
 88   Clone Trooper                                                    3       55      60
 89   Commander Bacara                                                 2       55      57
 87   Commander Cody                                                   3       64      58
 90   Shock Trooper                                                    2       58      54


193   Luke Skywalker                               Star Card           5       92      90


 58   Jabba The Hutt                                                   4       69      74
212   Jabba the Hutt                               Star Card           4       74      79


 34   Imperial Dignitary                                               2       49      52


132   Battle Droid                                                     1       34      39
134   Buzz Droid                                                       2       26      50
  6   C-3PO                                                            2       54      19
219   C-3PO & R2-D2                                Power Up            3       62      53
136   Droideka                                                         3       57      60
 25   FX-7 Medical Droid                                               1       47      18
135   Magnaguard                                                       3       59      67
150   Pit Droid                                                        1       45      15
 41   Probe Droid                                                      1       39      33
  7   R2-D2                                                            3       60      51
133   Super Battle Droid                                               3       44      60


152   Sebulba                                                          2       38      54


 16   Paploo                                                           2       50      26
 15   Wicket                                                           2       52      25


  1   Luke Skywalker                                                   4       77      75
LE3   Luke Skywalker                               Limited Edition     5       82      80


173   Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan Kenobi                                    5       +5      +5
174   Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader                Force Duel          5       +6      +6
168   Mace Windu vs Darth Sidious                  Force Duel          4       +4      +4
165   Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul  Force Duel          3       +3      +3
171   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin Skywalker           Force Duel          5       +5      +5
169   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Count Dooku                Force Duel          4       +4      +4
166   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul                 Force Duel          3       +3      +3
170   Obi-Wan Kenobi vs General Grievous           Force Duel          4       +4      +4
167   Yoda vs Count Dooku                          Force Duel          3       +3      +3
172   Yoda vs Darth Sidious                        Force Duel          5       +5      +5


179   Galactic Empire #1                           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
180   Galactic Empire #2                           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
181   Galactic Empire #3                           Strike Force        5       +5      +5
182   Galactic Empire #4                           Strike Force        5       +5      +5


 62   Gamorrean Guard                                                  2       59      46


 10   Crix Madine                                                      3       49      61
  9   General Rieekan                                                  3       63      45
201   Lando Calrissian                             Star Card           4       77      70


130   Poggle the Lesser                                                1       35      38


 97   Sio Bibble                                                       2       57      29


 28   Grand Moff Tarkin                                                4       54      71


104   Naboo Palace Guard                                               2       53      47


102   Boss Nass                                                        3       60      32
101   Captain Tarpals                                                  2       55      45
100   Jar Jar Binks                                                    3       61      34


110   Shmi Skywalker                                                   2       52      38


 31   Admiral Ozzel                                                    2       53      44
 29   Admiral Piett                                                    3       55      65
 32   Captain Needa                                                    2       46      55
 30   General Veers                                                    3       48      62
 33   Moff Jerjerrod                                                   3       60      43


 81   Aayla Secura                                                     4       71      63
 77   Adi Gallia                                                       3       65      55
 79   Agen Kolar                                                       3       52      60
 69   Anakin Skywalker                                                 5       84      87
195   Anakin Skywalker                             Star Card           5       89      92
229   Anakin Skywalker                             Force Master        5       94      97
217   Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi            Power Up            5       87      89
 83   Barriss Offee                                                    3       68      60
 86   Coleman Trebor                                                   3       50      64
 76   Eeth Koth                                                        3       62      61
 75   Ki-Adi-Mundi                                                     4       73      65
 74   Kit Fisto                                                        4       67      74
225   Luke Skywalker                               Force Master        5      100      95
 84   Luminara Unduli                                                  4       70      61
 72   Mace Windu                                                       5       84      84
197   Mace Windu                                   Star Card           5       89      89
232   Mace Windu                                   Force Master        5       94      94
215   Mace Windu & Obi-Wan Kenobi                  Power Up            5       86      86
  5   Obi-Wan Kenobi                                                   5       85      83
 70   Obi-Wan Kenobi                                                   5       85      83
194   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Star Card           5       90      88
230   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Force Master        5       95      93
216   Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn                Power Up            5       87      85
 80   Plo Koon                                                         4       72      67
 73   Qui-Gon Jinn                                                     5       80      77
198   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Star Card           5       85      82
233   Qui-Gon Jinn                                 Force Master        5       90      87
 78   Saesee Tiin                                                      4       70      64
 82   Shaak Ti                                                         4       70      69
 85   Stass Allie                                                      3       69      59
 71   Yoda                                                             5       88      88
196   Yoda                                         Star Card           5       93      93
231   Yoda                                         Force Master        5       98      98
214   Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi                        Power Up            5       90      90


LE4   Anakin vs Obi-Wan                            Limited Edition     5       98      98
183   Jedi Knights #1                              Strike Force        5       +5      +5
184   Jedi Knights #2                              Strike Force        5       +5      +5
185   Jedi Knights #3                              Strike Force        5       +5      +5
186   Jedi Knights #4                              Strike Force        5       +5      +5
187   Jedi Knights #5                              Strike Force        5       +5      +5
LE2   Obi-Wan Kenobi                               Limited Edition     5       90      88


103   Lama Su                                                          1       44      19


129   Daultay Dofine                                                   1       39      24
127   Nute Gunray                                                      1       42      23
128   Rune Haako                                                       1       40      22


 61   Max Rebo                                                         2       25      53


107   Tion Medon                                                       2       54      38


 14   A-Wing Pilot                                                     2       50      30
 38   AT-ST Pilot                                                      3       61      56
106   Naboo Pilot                                                      2       52      46
 12   Nien Nunb                                                        2       55      45
 13   Ten Numb                                                         2       52      33
 39   TIE Pilot                                                        3       53      62


 92   Queen Amidala                                                    4       73      66


175   Rebel Alliance #1                            Strike Force        5       +5      +5
176   Rebel Alliance #2                            Strike Force        5       +5      +5
177   Rebel Alliance #3                            Strike Force        5       +5      +5
178   Rebel Alliance #4                            Strike Force        5       +5      +5


  2   Princess Leia                                                    4       76      73
199   Princess Leia                                Star Card           5       81      78
226   Princess Leia                                Force Master        5       86      83


218   Han Solo & Chewbacca                         Power Up            4       76      77
213   Luke & Leia                                  Power Up            5       89      87


 35   Imperial Royal Guard                                             3       60      45


 64   Tusken Raider                                                    3       35      60


 63   Jawa                                                             1       49      24


 93   Bail Organa                                                      3       63      57
203   Padmé Amidala                                Star Card           4       78      71
234   Padmé Amidala                                Force Master        5       83      76


124   Count Dooku                                                      5       82      84
207   Count Dooku                                  Star Card           5       87      89
238   Count Dooku                                  Force Master        5       92      94
223   Count Dooku & General Grievous               Power Up            5       84      86
126   Darth Maul                                                       5       79      85
206   Darth Maul                                   Star Card           5       84      90
237   Darth Maul                                   Force Master        5       89      95
LE5   Darth Maul                                   Limited Edition     5      100     100
L5    Darth Maul [Lego]                            Limited Edition     5       79      85
123   Darth Sidious                                                    5       84      86
205   Darth Sidious                                Star Card           5       89      91
 26   Darth Vader                                                      5       88      88
204   Darth Vader                                  Star Card           5       93      93
235   Darth Vader                                  Force Master        5      101     101
LE1   Darth Vader                                  Limited Edition     5      100     100
 27   Emperor Palpatine                                                5       86      89
236   Emperor Palpatine                            Force Master        5       96     100
125   General Grievous                                                 4       78      79
208   General Grievous                             Star Card           5       83      84
239   General Grievous                             Force Master        5       88      89
188   Sith #1                                      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
189   Sith #2                                      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
190   Sith #3                                      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
191   Sith #4                                      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
192   Sith #5                                      Strike Force        5       +5      +5
222   The Emperor & Anakin Skywalker               Power Up            5       88      91
224   The Emperor & Darth Vader                    Power Up            5       90      91


221   Darth Vader & Tarkin                         Power Up            5       90      90


131   Wat Tambor                                                       1       33      31


  3   Han Solo                                                         4       74      75
227   Han Solo                                     Force Master        5       84      85


 52   Death Star                                                       5       84      85
 53   Death Star II                                                    5       85      90


 96   Mas Amedsa                                                       2       56      27


 40   AT-AT Pilot                                                      3       33      63
 37   Snowtrooper                                                      3       59      64
 36   Stormtrooper                                                     3       58      67
209   Stormtrooper                                 Star Card           4       59      76


151   Watto                                                            2       53      29


 59   Bib Fortuna                                                      2       56      36
 60   Oola                                                             1       49      32


 20   A-Wing Fighter                                                   3       40      61
137   AAT                                                              2       52      56
119   Anakin's Airspeeder                                              2       53      49
120   Anakin's Podracer                                                3       61      48
 42   AT-AT Walker                                                     3       32      64
 43   AT-ST                                                            3       31      60
111   AT-TE                                                            3       33      61
 21   B-Wing FIghter                                                   2       60      29
 46   Darth Vader's TIE Fighter                                        4       39      70
 66   Desert Skiff                                                     1       42      23
143   Droid Control Ship                                               2       57      42
139   Droid Starfighter                                                3       53      61
 48   Imperial Shuttle                                                 2       55      38
 65   Jabba's Sail Barge                                               2       48      54
114   Jedi Fighter                                                     3       62      57
113   Jedi Starfighter                                                 3       64      59
 24   Medical Frigate                                                  3       60      31
 17   Millennium Falcon                                                4       78      70
 22   Mon Calamari Star Cruiser                                        3       63      42
138   MTT                                                              1       46      40
115   N-1 Starfighter                                                  2       58      41
 23   Rebel Transport                                                  2       55      30
116   Republic Attack Cruiser                                          3       62      52
118   Republic Cruiser                                                 2       52      30
112   Republic Gunboat                                                 3       60      35
117   Royal Naboo Fighter                                              2       54      32
 67   Sandcrawler                                                      1       47      26
121   Sebulba's Podracer                                               3       44      60
 68   Slave I                                                          4       66      71
141   Solar Sailer                                                     2       52      48
 49   Speeder Bike                                                     2       28      57
144   STAP                                                             2       32      59
 50   Star Destroyer                                                   4       70      75
 51   Super Star Destroyer                                             4       74      79
142   The Invisible Hand                                               3       51      63
 47   TIE Bomber                                                       3       40      61
 44   TIE Fighter                                                      3       34      63
 45   TIE Interceptor                                                  3       35      66
122   V-Wing Starfighter                                               3       39      60
140   Wheel Bike                                                       2       53      56
 18   X-Wing Fighter                                                   3       37      65
 19   Y-Wing Fighter                                                   3       41      62


  4   Chewbacca                                                        4       71      68
108   Chewbacca                                                        3       55      50
202   Chewbacca                                    Star Card           4       76      73
228   Chewbacca                                    Force Master        5       81      78
109   Tarfful                                                          3       62      64

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©2012 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!

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