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2020 GPK: Bizarre Holidays
   Topps - 2020

Notes: Each weekly sticker-card set was sold on the Topps website for a one- 
week period, as a set of five plus one green-border parallel. Posters were
also available on the Topps website.

        "a" Sticker            "b" Sticker              Holiday

       Parallels: Base, Green Border (1:set)

April Week 1  (Print Run: 582)

  1a   ADAM Fools Day       1b   Blasted BILLY          4- 1 April Fools Day
  2a   PB & J MAY           2b   JULIE Jelly            4- 2 National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
  3a   Jittery JESS         3b   Frantic FRANCIS        4- 3 Don't Go to Work Unless It's Fun Day
  4a   Library LINDSAY      4b   Booger-Book BROOKE     4- 4 School Librarian Day
  5a   Dead TED             5b   Rotgut GUS             4- 7 National Beer Day

April Week 2  (Print Run: 469)

  6a   Sisters SLEDGE       6b   TERRY Twins            4-10 Siblings Day
  7a   Grilled BILL         7b   Burnt BRIAN            4-12 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
  8a   Un-Diapered DAN      8b   BLAKE Wind             4-12 Big Wind Day
  9a   Rown RAOUL           9b   SCOTTY Scrabble        4-10 Scrabble Day
 10a   U.S. ARNIE          10b   Sarcastic SAM          4-14 Moment of Laughter Day

April Week 3  (Print Run: 474)

 11a  Mind Eraser MIKE     11b   Explorin' NORMAN       4-15 Rubber Eraser Day
 12a  Hands-Free DEE       12b   Chewy LOUIE            4-16 High Five Day
 13a  Garlic NICCK         13b   Uneasy EDDIE           4-19 Garlic Day
 14a  Greaser GREG         14b   CHRIS Hiss             4-20 Look Alike Day
 15a  Twisted TRUDY        15b   Rattled RENEE          4-21 Kindergarten Day

April Week 4  (Print Run: 440)

 16a  COOKIE Eater         16a   Scout LEEDA            4-22 Girl Scout Day
 17a  Porky PEG            17a   Flat JACK              4-24 Pig in the Blanket Day
 18a  Frosted FANNY        18a   Artic FLO [sic]        4-25 World Penguin Day
 19a  PATTY Pretzel        19a   Muggin MEGAN           4-26 Pretzel Day
 20a  Armpit BRITT         20a   HARIETT Appreciation   4-30 Hairstyle Appreciation Day

May Week 1  (Print Run: 449)

  1a  Outerspace CHaSE      1a  Alien IAN               5- 1 Space Day
  2a  NAT Nerd              2a  Fart GORDON             5- 2 Free Comic aook Day
  3a  BERT Brain            3a  MANNY Heads             5- 2 aird Day
  4a  Hoagie YOGI           4a  Mouth PHIL              5- 5 National Hoagie Day
  5a  Brainy JANIE          5a  Testin' GRETCHEN        5- 5 National Teacher Day

May Week 2  (Print Run: 456)

  6a  No Diet DIaNE         6a  Thin LYNN               5- 6 No Diet Day
  7a  Pina CLAUDIA          7a  Blended BRADLY          5- 6 Beverage Day
  8a  BETH Death            8a  MISSY Match             5- 8 Lost Sock Memorial Day
  9a  Train REX             9a  Derailed CALE           5-10 National Train Day
 10a  Slobby ROBBIE        10a  Fat MATT                5-12 Mothers Day

May Week 3  (Print Run: 479	)

 11a  Jumping HOPE         11b  Disect ED               5-13 Frog Jump Day
 12a  Cluck NORRIS         12b  Chicken DANS            5-14 Dance Like a Chicken Day
 13a  Acne AMY             13b  Ghastly ASHLEY          5-15 National Chocolate Chip Day
 14a  MATT Rat             14b  Pack PAT                5-17 Pack Rat Day
 15a  DOTTIE Karate        15b  Break NATE              5-18 No Dirty Dishes Day

May Week 4  (Print Run: 562)

 16a  Eagle SCOTT          16b   BOYD Scout             5-19 Boys Club Day
 17a  Banroll JOEL         17b   Breaking the BANKSY    5-20 Be a Millionaire Day
 18a  Nasty NICK           18b   Goth GRADY             5-22 World Goth Day
 19a  TOMMY Gun            19b   Lucky BENNY            5-23 Lucky Penny Day
 20a  Sloshed JOSH         20b   Merlot CAL             5-25 National Wine Day

May Week 5  (Print Run: 449)

21a	ADAM Bomb            21b   Sunblock BILLY          5-27 Sun Screen Day
22a	HANNAH Burger        22b   LILLY Popped            5-28 National Hamburger Day
23a	Hearing AIDEN        23b   Not Deaf GEOFF          5-31 Save Your Hearing Day
24a	Drippy DAN           24b   SUNNY Sprinkles         5-30 Water a Flower Day
25a	No Smokin' OWEN      25b   Quittin' QUINN          5-31 World No Tabacoy Day

June Week 1  (Print Run: 478)

 1a	TATTOO Lou            1b    Re PETE                 6- 3 Repeat Day
 2a	Scratched SANDI       2b    KATE Hugger             6- 4 Hug Your Cat Day
 3a	Cheddar CHAZ	    3b    Cheesy CHUCK            6- 4 National Cheese Day
 4a	Junk Food JOHN	    4b    JOE Nuts                6- 5 National Doughnut Day
 5a	Leaky LINDSAY	    5b    Yoyo JO                 6- 6 National Yo-Yo Day

June Week 2  (Print Run: 492)

 6a	Corn Cob ROB	    6b    Corny CORY              6-11 National Corn on the Cob Day
 7a	Hippie SKIPPY	    7b    FLIP Flop               6-12 National Flip Flop Day
 8a	Nat NERD	          8b    CLARK Can't             6-14 Flag Day
 9a	SUMMER Salt           9b    Footloose FRIDA         6-14 Monkey Around Day
10a	Toothie RUTHIE	   10b    Dental FLOSSIE          6-15 Smile Power Day

June Week 3  (Print Run: 502)

11a   VERONICA Veggie      11b   Green JEAN               6-17 Eat Your VEgetables Day
12a   Salt Lake SALLY      12b   Fishing PHYLLIS          6-18 Go Fishing Day
13a   Smoochy SUE          13b   Bloated BLAIR            6-19 National Kissing Day
14a   Narcissistic NANCY   14b   Selfie SARA              6-21 National Selfie Day
15a   Thrasher ASHER       15b   Shredding SHAWN          6-21 Go Skateboarding Day

June Week 4  (Print Run: 650)

16a   LUKE Pink Puke       16b   RICHIE Retch             6-23 National Pink Day
17a   Work Like a DOUG     17b   MARK Bark                6-26 Take Your Dog to Work Day
18a   ADAM Bomb            18b   Photo Bomb BILLY         6-29 Camera Day
19a   Mud Pie SY           19b   ROB Slob                 6-29 International Mud Day
20a   PAT Splat            20b   Meteor IKE               6-30 Meteor Day

July Week 1  (Print Run: 514)

 1a   Dyna MIKE             1b   Joke DAYNA               7-1  International Joke Day
 2a   STACE Invaders        2b   U.F. ODELLE              7-2  World UFO Day
 3a   Disobey TRE           3b   New Wave DAVE            7-3  Disobedience Day
 4a   BRAY Beans            4b   Tooting TOM              7-3  Eat Beans Day
 5a   Polka DOT             5b   TINA Weeny Bikini        7-5  National Bikini Day

July Week 2  (Print Run: 474)

 6a   Tee-Vee STEVIE        6b   Geeky GARY               7-8  Video Games Day
 7a   TEDDY Bear            7b   Salvatore DOLLY          7-10 Teddy Bear Picnic Day
 8a   Blue Eyed BOWIE       8b   ALEXANDER The Green      7-12 Different Colored Eyes Day
 9a   Foolish FRED          9b   Paradise PERRY           7-13 Fool's Paradise Day
10a   Mugged MARCUS        10b   Fency Fry FRED           7-13 National French Fries Day

July Week 3  (Print Run: 457)

11a   Dorky DAN            11b   Smart ALEC               7-15 Be a Dork Day
12a   Udder UMA            12b   Queen MAUDINE            7-15 Cow Appreciation Day
13a   Serpent TINA         13b   Cobra KYRA               7-16 World Snake Day
14a   Taste BUD            14b   OLLIE Pop                7-20 National Lollipop Day
15a   Backside BAXTER      15b   Bottoms UPTON            7-20 Moon Day

July Week 4  (Print Run: 466)

16a   RALPH Mouth          16b   Stuffed GUS              7-21 National Junk Food Day
17a   Ratty MATTY          17b   Trapped PAT              7-22 Ratcather's Day
18a   Potty SCOTTY         18b   Chili DOUG               7-25 National Chili Dog Day
19a   Hopalong HOWIE       19b   Square Dance LANCE       7-25 National Day of the Cowboy
20a   Juicy JESSICA        20b   Green DEAN               7-27 Take Your Houseplants for a Walk

July Week 5  (Print Run: 568)

21a   Chocolate CHARLIE    21b   CHUCK Lot                7-28 National Milk Chocolate Day
22a   JAY Lunch            22b   TYE Grrrrr               7-29 International Tiger Day
23a   ADAM Bomb            23b   Wingin' It WYATT         7-29 National Chicken Wing Day
24a   Boozin' BRUCE        24b   Best Friend KEN          7-30 International Day of Friendship
25a   Puckering PATTY      25b   Kissing KENNY            7-31 Mutt's Day

       Parallels: Base, Light Green Border (1:set)

 August Week 1  (Print Run: 489)

 1a   Resting EDDIE         1b   Burnt ERNIE              8-1  National Girlfriends Day
 2a   Hung-Up HOWIE         2b   Repelling ROPER          8-1  National Mountain Climbing Day
 3a   JACK Strap            3b   BRANDHEN Briefs          8-5  National Underwear Day
 4a   Fresh Breath SETH     4b   Fresh PHIL               8-6  National Fresh Breath Day
 5a   Clowny CLARENCE       5b   Funny SONNY              8-8  National Clown Day

 August Week 2  (Print Run: 629)

 6a   Decays CREW           6b   Flesh & Blood JUDD       8-11 Son and Daughter Day 
 7a   Left TURNER           7b   Lefty LOUIE              8-13 Left Hander's Day 
 8a   Relaxed MAX           8b   Rest PHIL                8-15 Relaxation Day 
 9a   Bumbling BEA          9b   Buzzed BONNIE            8-15 National Honey Bee Awareness Day 
10a   ADAM Bomb            10b   Thrifty THEO             8-17 National Thriftshop Day 

 August Week 3  (Print Run: 449)

11a   Hip KIP              11b   Open MIKE                8-18 Bad Poetry Day 
12a   WILBUR Wright        12b   Propelling PORKY         8-19 Aviation Day 
13a   Annoying ANNIE       13b   MO Squito                8-20 World Mosquito Day 
14a   LLOYD to Rest        14b   Retired RANDY            8-21 Senior Citizen's Day 
15a   FIONA Fairy          15b   Tooth MARY               8-22 National Tooth Fairy Day 

 August Week 4  (Print Run: 516)

16a   Blasted BRUTUS       16b   Mangled MAXIMUS          8-24 Vesuvius Day
17a   PATTY Trained        17b   Doggy AUGIE              8-26 National Dog Day
18a   Nasty NICOLETTE      18b   Evil EDDIE               8/26 Women's Equality Day
19a   Mummified CLYDE      19b   TYLER Paper              8/26 Toilet Paper Day
20a   ABBY Normal          20b   HANS Delbruck            8/30 Frankenstein Day

       Parallels: Base, Deep Blue Border (1:set)

 September Week 1  (Print Run: TBA)

 1a   SKYE Scraper          1b   ALICE Island             9-3  Skyscraper Day
 2a   SCOTT off the Presses 2b   BRAD News                9-4  Newspaper Carrier Day
 3a   Bushy BRENT           3b   Bearded BRANDON          9-5  World Beard Day
 4a   Behind Time BRIAN     4b   Being Late BILL          9-5  Be Late for Something Day
 5a   Cranky FRANKIE        5b   Bad BRAD                 9-6  Read a Book Day

Searchwords: jahoc, yr2020, mfrTopps, catGPK 
©2020 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!

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