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South African Succulents
Westminster Tobacco Ltd - 1937

Notes:  Cards are approximately 3-1/8" x 2"; card text is given in both English 
and Afrikaans. No, it's not a mistake, there were exactly 49 cards in the set. 
Thanks much to John Rand for the checklist!

No.   Title

  1   Lithops Fulleri
  2   Lithops Pseudotruncatella
  3   Lithops Meyeri
  4   Lithops Lesliei
  5   Lithops Bromfieldii
  6   Cheiridopsis Fillansii
  7   Cheiridopsis Peculiaris
  8   Argyroderma
  9   Argyroderma Planum
 10   Conophytum Elishae
 11   Conophytum Placitum
 12   Pleiospilos Roodiae
 13   Fenestraria Rhopalophylla
 14   Monilaria Luckhoffii
 15   Nananthus Alooides
 16   Aloe Woolliana
 17   Aloe Aristata
 18   Haworthia Reinwardtii
 19   Cotyledon Decussata
 20   Crassula Arborescens
 21   Crassula Rupestris
 22   Euphorbia Mauritanica
 23   Stapelia Schinzii
 24   Crassula Pyramidalis
 25   Crassula Columnaris
 26   Euphorbia Obesa
 27   Haworthia Truncata
 28   Gibbaeum Pubescens
 29   Pleiospilos Bolusii
 30   Aloe Polyphylla
 31   Aloe Dichotoma
 32   Stapelia Gettleffii
 33   Aloe Ciliaris
 34   Senecio Galpinii
 35   Euphorbia Ingens
 36   Anacampseros Telephiastrum
 37   Huernia Pillansii
 38   Gasteria Carinata
 39   Glottiphyllum Linguiforme
 40   Drosanthemum Speciosum
 41   Muiria Hortenseae
 42   Ceropegia Haygarthii
 43   Crassula Perfoliata
 44   Gibbaeum Perviride
 45   Trichocaulon Alstonii
 46   Ceropegia
 47   Senecio Stapeliaeformis
 48   Aloe Brevifolia
 49   Tavaresia Grandiflora

©2005 John Rand, Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!

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